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Love in the Original Language / Fióna Bolger

Love in the Original Language

By: Fióna Bolger

Crossing borders of meaning, territory and flesh itself, Fióna Bolger’s new poems explore the limits and possibilities of language. Survival can depend on nuance, insider slang, an accurate translation, or knowing when to stay silent. Fired by a passion for justice and her awareness of how rarely justice is served, Bolger gives voice to the migrant and the exile, who retain their dignity and the markers of their culture. ...
ISBN 978-1-915022-16-5
Pub Date Sunday, June 12, 2022
Cover Image Joby Hickey –
Page Count 90
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Crossing borders of meaning, territory and flesh itself, Fióna Bolger’s new poems explore the limits and possibilities of language. Survival can depend on nuance, insider slang, an accurate translation, or knowing when to stay silent. Fired by a passion for justice and her awareness of how rarely justice is served, Bolger gives voice to the migrant and the exile, who retain their dignity and the markers of their culture. Shot through with colour, energy and a sensuous engagement with the natural world, these elemental poems linger long in the reader’s imagination: “the flame is hottest where it’s blue”.

—Katie Donovan

What do we keep in us when we translate a word, the world, a person? What remains of that current “back and forth” between people? Love in the Original Language is a joyful collection posing these questions and many others, a crossing borders experience, in language, in life, in poetry. A Penelope on the contrary who, in order to continue sewing, inevitably has to puncture and unravel the fabric she is working on, to go back to the original language of love. Fióna’s poems articulate a canto, they breathe joy, lively voices respond one to the other, in a unified process of seeking the flow between humans, between languages. Every poem in this collection trusts in the perpetual creation of a new language of hope.  We eat cherries to leave some uneaten, ‘to share the joy of juice and sweetness’ on a half empty bench in a park.
Words are also containers of memories. ‘Encoded in our breath’. Fióna’s words gift us a sense of humanity and operate as a translator of complex twenty-first century human relations between people fleeing wars, homelessness, environmental crisis, poverty. Thus every object becomes ‘a vast repository of time’, it witnesses humanity and the passing of time. Although language is inadequate to speak of tragedy, the space between silences becomes a possibility: words open up,  transform, they blossom life. Reading this collection is a long yoga session, you breath, you change position again and again and in changing, breathing and keeping the flow you feel satisfied, as love makes us. 

—Viviana Fiorentino

Radiant throughout Love in the Original Language, Fióna Bolger’s storylines become lifelines for the reader and for the world the book describes. Thus, these stanzas provide a safe space in dangerous times, breathing life into the boundaries between nations and inspiring human warmth into the gulfs that so persistently isolate us. Cold numbers are made to dance in some of the poems’ treatment of mathematical concepts. Yes. Numbers become songs, and calculus becomes a form of love born from the human heart’s fragments. Read Fióna Bolger’s poems. Cross seas. This book’s vision is for a humanity greater than the sum of satellites and algorithms that threaten to limit and of the drones that are poised to pulverize. These poems continually inspire a love for the dignity of what is original and human. Read Fióna Bolger in this, the Original.

—John Lavin, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia

Fióna Bolger

Fióna Bolger lives with her tall daughter and short dog in Dublin. She has never left Chennai. She is a creative facilitator interested in collaborations and mentoring new voices. She works with Outlandish Theatre Platform and ReWrite. More about her on  This is her first collection with Salmon.

 A Linkister Plays with Quantum Reality

We are doing lob-pidgin, 
lobbing our words back 
and forth. You ishq mine 
and I pyaar yours. Back 
and forth we lob these loves. 
Each time they fly back

and forth, they exist in me 
and you. I cannot hold  
all the words in my head 
or even all of one word.  
Right now, a little piece of this 
exists inside your head. 

No Child is Born to Flicker in the Shadows

I open my daughter’s new Irish passport
and printed beneath the mountains
rivers and coast line, I find

It is the entitlement and birthright 
of every person born in the island 
of Ireland which includes its islands and seas 
to be part of the Irish nation.

for one crazy moment
I believe this is true  


I want to write you
a poem of wood and water, 
the forest and the sea. I stare 
into Dun Laoghaire harbour,
luminous blue air, tinkle 
of boats on waves
all wood and water, sun 
on sea, gold and blue. 

Then I see them 
in the Bay of Bengal. 
They stand on water, shadows 
of men so far away. Generations 
have found whispering trees 
to strip and bind. 
On these they search for fish. 
Life and limb on logs, 

and I am here with you, 
painting their image in words, 
how wood and water meet 
in the miracle of catamaran.
You dream of travel, 
rooted in your forest. 

Poems Copyright © Fióna Bolger 2022

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