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afterwords / Maurice Harmon


By: Maurice Harmon

At 90 years old, Maurice Harmon is making poems out of memory and out of the experience of growing old, recognising what is lost and the little that is gained. In this collection  he gives us the present moment, then offers three, past thematic portrayals: life in academe, in small-town Ireland, and in encroaching old age. Training his lyrical imagination and discerning eye on Irish life in the twentieth century, he ...
ISBN 978-1-912561-73-5
Pub Date Thursday, December 31, 2020
Page Count 92
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At 90 years old, Maurice Harmon is making poems out of memory and out of the experience of growing old, recognising what is lost and the little that is gained. In this collection 
he gives us the present moment, then offers three, past thematic portrayals: life in academe, in small-town Ireland, and in encroaching old age. Training his lyrical imagination and discerning eye on Irish life in the twentieth century, he forces us to examine its consequences in the twenty-first century. Ever compassionate, he gives us a poetry of keen insight we cannot afford to ignore.

Maurice Harmon

Maurice Harmon, a distinguished academic, literary critic and scholar, has published studies of Irish writers from William Carleton to Seán O'Faoláin, Mary Lavin, and Benedict Kiely, from Austin Clarke to Thomas Kinsella, Seamus Heaney, and Dennis O’Driscoll. Harmon’s career as editor-founder of the Irish University Review and his publications, including Sean O’Faolain: A Life, 1994; the ground-breaking anthology, Irish Poetry after Yeats, 1979; Selected Essays, 2006; Thomas Kinsella: Designing for the Exact Needs, 2008; with The Dialogue of the Ancients of Ireland, his translation of Accalam na Senórach, the medieval compendium of stories and poems, 2009, among others, affirm him as one of the elect. His reputation as a poet has grown with the publication of the stylish and humane Loose Connections (Salmon, 2012) and the compassionate Hoops of Holiness (Salmon, 2016). afterwords (Salmon, 2020) is his seventh collection. 

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