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At the Kinnegad Home for the Bewildered / Jeffrey Levine

At the Kinnegad Home for the Bewildered

By: Jeffrey Levine

Jeffrey Levine’s poems hover and oscillate between moments in and out of time, between states of being and nonbeing, between the body and the body within the body. “What is the imagination's job but to blur one life into the next?” Levine’s modus operandi is the process of osmosis and the seepage itself that moves, “drop by rusty drop,” through porous scrims. This liquid is the ink on Levine’s page, the phys...
ISBN 978-1-912561-38-4
Pub Date Thursday, March 28, 2019
Cover Image Jeffrey Levine
Page Count 84
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Jeffrey Levine’s poems hover and oscillate between moments in and out of time, between states of being and nonbeing, between the body and the body within the body. “What is the imagination's job but to blur one life into the next?” Levine’s modus operandi is the process of osmosis and the seepage itself that moves, “drop by rusty drop,” through porous scrims. This liquid is the ink on Levine’s page, the physicality of words that strive to exceed their dictates. In this way, the book’s language works like the impasto technique of the poet’s beloved Rembrandt, paint layered thickly on paint, to make for a rough surface on which golden light may play and sparkle. “Light the candle, conjure that halo / of amber, reveal the dancing shapes / upon walls that weep with tears of dampness, / the fallen ceilings, the unhinged doors, / through which, bright / moons in the courtyard / glow countless.” We need not choose between affirmation and humility, Levine argues, in tones that are at once urgent and agnostic (“The one neither, the other nor”). On the page, at least, we get to have it all: ravishing desire and feasts, prophecies, “night dreads,” “a lost thought boxed within a certain light,” poems that upend tradition. 

Jeffrey Levine

Jeffrey Levine is the author of two previous books of poetry: Rumor of Cortez, short-listed for the 2006 Los Angeles Times Literary Award in Poetry, and Mortal, Everlasting, which won the 2002 Transcontinental Poetry Prize. In addition, he is the principal translator from the Spanish of Pablo Neruda’s major work, Canto General. His many poetry prizes include the Larry Levis Prize from the Missouri Review, the James Hearst Poetry Prize from North American Review, the Mississippi Review Poetry Prize, the Ekphrasis Poetry Prize, and the American Literary Review poetry prize. His poetry has appeared most recently in Plowshares, Harvard Review, Agni, Poetry International, and Beloit Poetry Journal, as well as many dozens of other journals and magazines. A graduate of the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers, Levine is founder, artistic director and publisher of Tupelo Press, an award-winning independent literary press located in the historic NORAD Mill in the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts, now in its 20th year of publishing critically important poetry and prose.

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