We Spend Our Time in Georgian Rooms Dreaming of the Future
We spend our time in Georgian rooms dreaming of the future
The river roams narcotics rising through the systems & the streets
We pass these statues all our lives: we do not need their names
The sound of the sky is black with thunder & sheets of cawing gulls
Searching the surf for their purpose & carrion to feed the young
They hover their bulk above the wires of our tiny electric trains
Then drift to outposts & new construction built of dereliction
Into the plain livid always leave behind imaginations –
Fishing boats tilt from side to side dredging bones from the shale
We are past the point of reclamation now we are embedded
Tearing our limbs from the concrete we think it has not set
We drag our bodies from place to place until we find a grave
A worm pit or a scattering that suits our aspiration:
We spend our time in Georgian rooms dreaming of the future
The sound of the sky is black with thunder & sheets of cawing gulls
We telephone we email we transmit some feelings
We mark time with photographs of sunshine and kittens
Or Sisyphus a smile singeing his lips
set for the last great push
The Futurist
Somewhere there is your love
Lying in wait like an escalator
The apple trees shaped like a crucifix
There is no-one here to say otherwise
Trams meet in the centre of town
Like metal tongues sliding against each other
Or beached whales whose bones remember
Looking for some way off the land
In the zoo they predict the breeding patterns
Of an almost extinct African species
In telescopic towers we extend our reach
Scrape at planets with our gods and debris
Somewhere our love in the future waits
Like dogs in the wild
slim and patient
Coroner’s Court & City Morgue
smoking outside
the Coroner’s Court
of course
you are
shivering also
in the column
of uncles
and aunts
who stayed the night
to comfort you
the police outside
watched through the window
the police watch you through the window
Copyright © Alan Jude Moore 2013