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The Painter's House / Jo Slade

The Painter's House

By: Jo Slade

Joint Winner of the 2014 Michael Hartnett Poetry Award, The Painter’s House is Jo Slade's fifth, full-length poetry collection. In 2010 she published a chapbook, The Artist’s Room (Pighog Press,Brighton UK 2010.) In her latest collection of poems, Jo carries on the theme of “who is seen and who is seeing?” (Fanny Howe, 2010.) She traces identity through language and the image, from her experience of displacement...
ISBN 978-1-908836-27-4
Pub Date Thursday, September 19, 2013
Cover Image Jo Slade
Page Count 108
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Joint Winner of the 2014 Michael Hartnett Poetry Award, The Painter’s House is Jo Slade's fifth, full-length poetry collection. In 2010 she published a chapbook, The Artist’s Room (Pighog Press,Brighton UK 2010.) In her latest collection of poems, Jo carries on the theme of “who is seen and who is seeing?” (Fanny Howe, 2010.) She traces identity through language and the image, from her experience of displacement and difference to a life lived in the presence and practice of art. It is through 'seeing' and an instinctive sense of the importance and transience of the details of eye and ear that her poetry evolves. Shifts of season are deeply felt as reflections on loss, the passing of time and the stillness at the heart of being. There is also in these poems an elusiveness, a searching,  a “slow meditation of vision” (Maeve Kelly, 2011) that demonstrates a quest for a deeper understanding of the essential things. From the first poem in this collection, ‘Time-Piece’ to the last, ‘Today’, Jo Slade takes us on a journey through time and reminds us of the value of intuition, of finding individual expression for our experience of being in our mysterious, often chaotic world.   

Jo Slade

Jo Slade lives and works in Limerick. Poet and painter, she is the author of five collections of poetry and two chapbooks of poems, The Artist’s Room (Pighog Press, Brighton, UK 2010), The White Cottage (T-A-R Publications 2016). Her most recent collection, The Painter’s House (Salmon Poetry in 2013) was joint recipient of the Michael Hartnett Poetry Prize 2014. Other publications include: In Fields I Hear Them Sing (Salmon Publishing, 1989); The Vigilant One (Salmon Publishing 1994), nominated for The Irish Times/Aer Lingus Literature Prize; Certain Octobers (Editions Eireanna, Quimper, France, 1997) a dual language English/French edition, which received a publication bursary from the Centre du Livre, Paris, France; City of Bridges (Salmon Poetry, 2005), nominated in 2003 for the ‘Prix Evelyn Encelot,’ Ecriture Prize, Maison des Ecrivains, Paris. She has had poems translated into French, Spanish, Romanian, Norwegian, Russian, Italian & Slovenian, and poems published in literary journals and broadsheets in Northern Ireland, the UK, the USA, Canada, Russia, France, Slovenia, Spain, the Channel Islands & Italy. She was appointed as Writer-in-Residence for Limerick County Council in 2006 and writer-in-residence in the winter of 2007 at the Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris, France. She is the recipient of a Literature Bursary & Travel Grants from The Arts Council of Ireland, Culture Ireland & Limerick City Council. She has exhibited her paintings widely in Ireland, France & Italy. Her most recent installation/exhibition took place in the Sailor's Home, Limerick, in 2016.

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