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The Watchful Heart - A New Generation of Irish Poets - Poems and Essays / Joan McBreen

The Watchful Heart - A New Generation of Irish Poets - Poems and Essays

By: Joan McBreen

"Well-planned and carefully assembled, The Watchful Heart adds to the pleasures of all good collections a distinctive bonus: as readers we get to hear each poet's voice in, so to speak, two mediums: poetry and reflective prose. It gives a fascinating cross-section of Irish poetry at the present time." ...
ISBN 978-1-907056-03-1
Pub Date Friday, May 01, 2009
Page Count 256
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"Well-planned and carefully assembled, The Watchful Heart adds to the pleasures of all good collections a distinctive bonus: as readers we get to hear each poet's voice in, so to speak, two mediums: poetry and reflective prose. It gives a fascinating cross-section of Irish poetry at the present time."

Patricia Coughlan
School of English,
University College, Cork

The Watchful Heart - A New Generation of Irish Poets - Poems and Essays is an anthology of the work of twenty-four Irish poets born in the last fifty years. It contains biographical and bibliographical details of each contributor, together with photographs. All poets included have published at least two collections of poetry. Poetry in Irish with translations is also included. None of the poetry in this anthology has previously been published in collection form and most of the essays are published here for the first time. McBreen's anthology The White Page/ An Bhileog Bhán: Twentieth-Century Irish Women Poets (Salmon Poetry, 1999) is now in its third reprint.

The poets featured in The Watchful Heart are:

Pat Boran, Mary Branley, Patrick Chapman, Louis de Paor, Anne Fitzgerald, Leontia Flynn, Margaret Galvin, Alan Gillis, Kevin Higgins, Gearóid Mac Lochlainn, John McAuliffe, Mary Montague, Kate Newmann, Nuala Ní Chonchúir, John O'Donnell, Mary O'Donoghue, Paul Perry, Justin Quinn, Eileen Sheehan, Peter Sirr, Cherry Smyth, Damian Smyth, David Wheatley, and Joseph Woods.

Joan McBreen

Joan McBreen is from Sligo. She divides her time between Tuam and Renvyle, County Galway. Her poetry collections are: The Wind Beyond the Wall (Story Line Press, 1990), A Walled Garden in Moylough (Story Line Press and Salmon Poetry, 1995), Winter in the Eye – New and Selected Poems (Salmon Poetry, 2003) and Heather Island (Salmon Poetry, 2009; reprinted 2013 & 2016). She was awarded an MA from University College, Dublin in 1997. Her anthology The White Page / An Bhileog Bhán – Twentieth-Century Irish Women Poets was published by Salmon in 1999 and is in its third reprint. She also edited and compiled the anthology The Watchful Heart – A New Generation of Irish Poets – Poems and Essays (Salmon, 2009).
Her poetry is published widely in Ireland and abroad and has been broadcast, anthologised and translated into many languages. Her CD The Long Light on the Land – Selected Poems, read to a background of traditional Irish airs and classical music, was produced by Ernest Lyons Productions, Castlebar, County Mayo in 2004. Her most recent CD is The Mountain Ash in Connemara – Selected Poems by Joan McBreen, read by the poet to new arrangements of Irish airs and original music by composer Glen Austin, performed by the RTÉ Contempo Quartet. 2015 saw the publication of a limited edition broadside, The Mountain Ash, with an original etching by the artist Margaret Irwin West alongside Joan McBreen’s poem, ‘The Mountain Ash’. Set in letterpress and hand-printed by Mary Plunkett of the Belgrave Private Press, Dublin. Published by Artisan House, Connemara. 150 copies signed by artist and poet, numbered and dated.
She has given readings and talks in many universities in the USA including Emory, Villanova, de Paul (Chicago), Cleveland, Lenoir Rhyne, N.C. and the University of Missouri - St. Louis. In 2010 she undertook a six week reading tour of Nebraska, Iowa and Alabama and in 2012 she read at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN and at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Her most recent US reading was at the 2017 American Conference of Irish Studies (ACIS South), University of Kentucky, Lexington.
Joan McBreen has been involved for many years with Irish literary festivals such as the Yeats International Summer School, Clifden Arts Week, Listowel Writers’ Week and the Cúirt International Festival of Literature, Galway. She is also a member of the Board of Poetry Ireland.

The Wild Cattle of Swona Island, Orkney
by Kate Newmann

They've lived there for years
Since the last inhabitants left them
With the island, casting off
Into the fierce conflicting tides.

Two bulls, four calves and six cows
Roam the boggy fields,
Hoof-prints like runes
Across abandoned acres.

Once a year, a vet makes the journey.
He watches them from a distance,
The way a cow rests the bulk
Of her ribcage on the soggy earth

The way the last boat,
Bleached on the rucked shore
Arcs its empty ballast.
The days fall away like rust flakes

Off the useless gates.
The cattle's breath meets the mizzled air
In currents as unreadable
As the ocean's drowning pull.

Wind rough-tongues their eyes and ears
Like a calf being cleaned.
They are the part of us - warm breathing -
That will always return. That never left.

by Joseph Woods

A very late addition the games room,
1910, oak-panelled and smelling of oak.
Sun scattered in to show up white acres
of dust, particles disturbed by us and a sense
of space, emptiness or simply the fact
of the billiard-table long gone missing.
Patrick pottered in the corner, not quite
feigning interest in what the man had to say
as he rabbited on about a piece of parchment
he'd found on the dumb-waiter, then pointed
to the framed photograph of the local Hunt Ball,
early 30s in which among the well scrubbed,
bow-tied and ball-gowned only one was left alive,
the old dowager upstairs, still hale and hearty
while the rest to a soul had absolutely all gone
aloft he sighed, as he cranked up the gramophone
and ragtime roused up the dust, drew a grin
from the pair of us and one imagined, the dead.


Brinton On A New Irish Anthology
- Ian Brinton reviews
The Watchful Heart, A New Generation of Irish Poets edited and presented by Joan McBreen

If you are trying to encourage diners to try a newly-opened restaurant which you rate very highly then there is little point in commenting on each dish on the menu since you will end up with one, or at the most two sentences, serving a descriptive purpose that could have been put there by the restaurateur. With this in mind I have decided to give an account of this remarkably fine new anthology by concentrating upon two very different poets whose poetry and prose appears in that 'box where sweets compacted lie'. read the full review>>>

Seed and Breed
.  Review by Nessa O'Mahony, Poetry Ireland Review 99 (2009)

Joan McBreen performed a major service to Irish poetry when she brought together the work of 113 Irish women poets in her 1999 anthology, The White Page /An Bhileog Bhán: Twentieth-Century Irish Women Poets (Salmon Poetry).  That book sought to correct the imbalance in the representation of women writers in Irish poetry anthologies and proved in the process that Irish women's poetry was vibrant and diverse. As a poet included in that anthology, I turned to McBreen's latest collation with anticipation and curiosity; given the slew of anthologies of Irish poetry over the past few years (for example, Bloodaxe's The New Irish Poets), I was intrigued to see what rationale she might use for her latest choice.

The Watchful Heart contains the work of twenty-four poets who represent, for McBreen, the new generation of Irish poetry. Each was born in the last fifty years, has published at least two collections of poetry and wasn't featured in The White Page. Each poet has also contributed three poems, along with an essay in which they explore an issue close to their hearts as poets. The editor points out that had she also drawn on the poets contained in The White Page, she would have produced a volume far larger than either she, or her publisher, intended. So here we find ten women and fourteen men, representing what McBreen terms 'some of what I felt would be the best of recent Irish poetry'. She makes no claims that her selection is either 'comprehensive' or 'all-inclusive', a statement that rather dilutes the fun for the reviewer, of course. How can one possibly rant away about the exclusion of Mr X or Ms Y in the face of such reasonableness?

Of course, the question of what makes a 'new generation' is relative. I turned to the book expecting new faces and comparatively recent publication histories; imagine my surprise, therefore, to discover editor, publisher, anthologist and teacher Pat Boran as the first poet featured. Surprised mingled with pleasure, of course; Boran's lambent poetry has delighted me for a long time and, as a poet who began writing in the 1990s, when Pat was a regular teacher of creative writing workshops throughout the country (not to mention the author of one of the best creative writing handbooks produced in Ireland), I have always seen him as a wise mentor of the earlier generation. But he's actually only a year older than me and, in terms of chronology (he was born in 1963), he fits the book's criteria. Indeed, his inclusion serves as a timely reminder of how much he has managed to achieve in a comparatively short time-period and he is, as I said, always a pleasure to read. This splendid haiku, dedicated to the poet Leland Bardwell, proves the point:

A housefly settles
on the still end of my pen:
haiku counterweight.

Clearly an ageist approach isn't going to elucidate McBreen's method os suffice to say that established names, for example Peter Sirr, John O'Donnell, Leontia Flynn and David Wheatley, mingle with poets whose reputations deserve to be far more widely known. Mary Branley, whose essay coincidentally also evokes the spirit of Leland Bardwell, has three fine poems here. I particularly liked the skilful rhythm of 'Sé do bheatha a Mhuire', where the lilt of the prayer's lines is artfully captured:

lift and drop
atá lán de ghrásta

rattle and whist
of the máidí raimhe

It's also nice to find Patrick Chapman here, another admirably prolific writer of poetry, short stories and screenplays. Chapman can range from mordant humour to lyric romanticism; we get both in the first poem in his selection, 'The Darwin Vampires', where the eponymous villains are shown both in 'those places in between, where microbial kingdoms, / Overthrown with a pessary, render needle-toothed / Injuries invisible', and in 'A taste-regret on someone's tongue; a sudden tinted / Droplet in the iris of a fading smile; a blush upon / a woman's rose'. Chapman's essay, in fact a series of Fortune Cookie aphorisms, kept me giggling; I particularly liked the notion that 'Your ancestors will not be proud of your work, because they are dead.'

Two Irish-language poets are featured, Louis de Paor and Gearóid Mac Lochlainn, each with poetry in the original Irish and in translation. Louis de Paor's accompanying essay is a thoughtful meditation on the advantages and limitations of translation which, he points out, is necessary. 'The original remains obstinately, shyly, out of reach, and yet the impression it leaves on the linguistic veil that both conceals and reveals confirms the marvellous diversity of languagese other than our own.' Mac Lochlainn explores the issue creatively; his poem 'Aistriúcháin Eile', rendered as 'Translation', suggests the slippery, protean quality of the task:

Is shín Barra amach a lámha láidre,
is síos leo láithreach san fharraige sáite,
gur thóg amach bradán beo beathach,
bradán ársa na beatha.

Then Barra stooped and thrust his hands into the sea
And pulled out an ancient fish
That kicked and writhed against his grip,
And showered them both
In glitters of water.

Nuala Ní Chonchúir is another poet who writes with equal fluency in Irish and English, as her most recent poetry collection, Tatoo: Tatú (Arlen House, 2007), revealed.  But here she is purely in English-language mode, and demonstrates her characteristically sharp eye for a killer image, as in the poem 'Foetal', where 'we are fastened to our bed / you curl to the curl of me / unshaped to a shape that fits'. She also demonstrates the carefully thought-out nature of her poetics in her essay on poetry as 'female self-portrait', where she claims literary descent from writers such as Eavan Boland, Sharon Olds and Edna O'Brien. Cherry Smyth is equally articular on her process. For Smyth, writers are 'designed to speak, to tell stories and when the listener and we get lost in the telling, the story becomes an art.' Her art is clearly visible in poems such as 'December Morning, 2007', where:

Dying is always happening,
holding up its dark mountain
from the depths of a lake,
questioning the summer table
on the winter deck, the unplanted earth.

Not surprisingly in this increasingly mobile age, the 'new generation' features some poets who no longer claim Ireland as their home. John McAuliffe settled in the UK some time ago, although his poetic imagination seems equally at home in his new locale and in the childhood home of memory. I particularly liked the sense in the poem 'A Midgie' of the poet making matter out of his immediate surroundings: 'The garden goes greener in the lilac time. / This will go down on the permanent record'. Mary O'Donoghue is also based abroad - she lives in Boston - but finds an entire world in her point of reference. In an extract from her 'Letters to Emily: Finding Your Voice' she writes:

a shriek to make Atlantic waves turn tail,
turn a church on tiptoe on its steeple,

a shriek so pure and true it's heard
at the bottom of an Australian well,

as if the London air raid warning
was sounded by a pipistrelle...

In his essay, Justin Quinn uses his vantage point as a resident of Prague to examine the changes that have occurred in Irish society and wonders whether 'a fundamentally new immigration pattern...can...invigorate the monoculture that has held sway since 1922.'  Provocatively, he adds that 'there's a corresponding ambition that the category of "Irish Poetry" itself will go up in a puff of smoke. No decent poet would ever wish to be merely an "Irish" poet (just as he or she wouldn't want to be merely an American or Australian poet).'  Interesting, then, that one of his featured poems, 'The Crease', seems to evoke that well-known poetic stance, that of the wistful emigrant, albeit with a wry tone:

What's the river doing now? Does it blaze
with stunning blue and pink? Does it amaze
next to no-one with its smart remarks
on quays for long-gone merchants and their clerks,
on lopsided buses leaning in on it,
or cranes that raise the skyline bit by bit...

I promised earlier that I wouldn't be one of those reviewers that berates an anthology for its omissions. Each editor is entitled to their choice, for poetry is a subjective business. I did rather wonder why there was no place for Leanne O'Sullivan here (perhaps her fine second collection Cailleach: The Hag of Beara, from Bloodaxe, came too late to make her eligible), but I was delighted to read other fine poets, such as Paul Perry, Kevin Higgins, Anne Fitzgerald, Mary Montague, Alan Gillis, Joseph Woods, Damian Smyth, Eileen Sheehan and Kate Newmann. There are many others - Dave Lordan, Ann Leahy, Ciaran Berry and Nell Regan to name a few - who have made impressive débuts over the last decade and who will surely appear in future anthologies. The Watchful Heart may not be the last word on Irish poetry at the start of the twenty-first century, but it provides a pretty good taster.

Other Titles from Joan McBreen

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